You are invited to the launch of a documentary which charts an incredible journey, uncovering the voices of older women in Manchester through the award-winning Uncertain Futures Project (
As part of this event, we will release the documentary for its first viewing and hold an open-forum discussion on many of the important and emerging issues arising from the project and the documentary.
The documentary highlights the inequalities faced by older women and celebrates their wonderful stories. The open-forum following the screening will provide an opportunity to discuss the methodologies as well as the outcomes and next-steps of this fascinating art and research project.
The award-winning Uncertain Futures project is a unique interdisciplinary and participatory art and research project which challenges the inequalities facing older women (50+) in Manchester in relation to work, both paid and unpaid.
The project, which has been running since 2019, has uncovered significant obstacles facing women such as intersectional and structural discrimination, lack of choice and opportunity, lack of recognition and the de-valuing of their contributions to their families and society, as well as the impact of certain unpredictable events such as Covid-19.
However, the project also celebrates the contributions and endurance of older women, their very valuable role in our societies and what can be done to ensure lifelong wellbeing for older women.
Dr Elaine Dewhurst, University of Manchester
Dr Sarah Campbell, Manchester Metropolitan University
Ruth Edson, Manchester Art Gallery
Dr Suzanne Lacy, University of Southern California
This event is by invite only.
We aim to engage key policy makers, community activists, employers and campaigners from across Greater Manchester to hear our key findings and to explore policy solutions.
The event provides an opportunity for professionals, researchers, and older women to come together and discuss solutions to these issues.
This event is by invite only.