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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Untapped Stories

Schools Event

What’s on offer?

Explore your pandemic experiences with the Untapped Stories project team, through an exhibition and interactive mapping activities.

What’s it about?

The pandemic has affected nurseries deeply and school mechanisms have fallen short for addressing pandemic experiences, leaving ‘untapped stories’ silenced. Partnering with one Bristol nursery school community, the ‘Untapped Stories’ project explored the embodied, affective experiences of the pandemic through co-produced arts-based methods.

We invite you to a public exhibition that showcases the collaborative creative work that came out of the project. There will be the opportunity to meet the project team and take part in interactive mapping activities to explore your own pandemic stories.

Who’s leading the event?

Frances Giampapa, Senior Lecturer in Education

Open to


Of particular interest to

Those with and interest in education, early years, creativity.