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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Unlocking Touch: an Audio Play

Image includes the UCL logo and the text In-Touch with a drawing of a hand simulating 'touch'

What’s on offer?

Unlocking Touch is a participatory audio play (48 mins).  It is available on any major platforms including Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast


The play uses imaginative sound design, emotionally gripping narrative, and powerful invitations to engage in simple physical practices.

What’s it about?

Unlocking Touch tells a compelling and imaginative fictional story of one character’s journey through the COVID19 pandemic. The play encourages listeners to reflect on their and others’ Covid-19 pandemic lockdown experiences. It uses a wellbeing lens to engage with the many complexities of lockdown experiences. 

It is ultimately a hopeful story that explores paths for coming back into the world following lockdown, or other isolating or difficult experiences.The very rooms in which the listener lives become the setting for this compelling story of restriction and expansion, wellbeing, hope, and connectedness.

Who’s leading the event?

Professor Carey Jewitt, Profesor of Learning and Technology at the IOE UCL's Faculty of Education and Society

Open to

Adults and young people (15+ suggested related to length and content relevance)

Of particular interest to

The play will be of particular interest to people who want to reflect on their experience of (entering and leaving) Covid-19 lockdown; people who are interested in sound and touch; people who are interested in creative research.

Scheduling information

People can listen to play online at a time of their choice during the Festival dates