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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Tobacco Slave

UK premiere of Tobacco Slave

Tobacco Slave poster

What’s on offer?

UK premiere of 'Tobacco Slave' explores Bristol's history of tobacco production and links to the modern-day exploitation of tobacco farmers

What’s it about?

Join the University of Bath’s Tobacco Control Research Group and the Tobacco industry watchdog STOP for the first UK screening of 'Tobacco Slave,' followed by a panel discussion that includes the film's director, Roy Maconachie. Speakers will confront how tobacco production can mean exploitation on tobacco farms and trap families in poverty, the role the tobacco industry plays in deepening inequity and consider Bristol's connections with tobacco production and its role in the transatlantic slave trade. Have these colonial practices really been abolished?

This event is free, but booking is essential. 

Who’s leading the event?

Roy Maconachie, Professor in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences at the University of Bath.