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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

The Psychosis of Whiteness

Professor Kehinde Andrews in front of bookcase, with LSE events logo

What’s on offer?

Kehinde Andrews discusses his new book, The Psychosis of Whiteness, which offers an all-encompassing, insightful and wry look at living in a racist world, by a leading black British voice in the academy and the media.

What’s it about?

Take a step through the looking glass to a strange land where all inhabitants seem to be afflicted by serious delusions, like that racism doesn't exist and if it does, it can be cured with a one-hour inclusion seminar. And bizarre collective hallucinations, like the widely held idea that Britain's only role in slavery was to abolish it.

But there is a serious side too. Black and brown people suffer from a greater number of mental health difficulties, caused in no small part by living in a racist society. Society cannot face up to the racism at its heart and in its history, so the delusions and hallucinations it conjures up to avoid doing so can only best be described as a psychosis, and the costs are being borne by the sons and daughters of that racist history.

Who’s leading the event?

  • Professor Kehinde Andrews, Professor of Black Studies at Birmingham City University
  • Dr Sara Camacho-Felix, Assistant Professor (Education) and Programme Lead at LSE International Inequalities Institute
  • Chaired by Dr Maël Lavenaire, Research Fellow in Racial Inequality at the LSE International Inequalities Institute

Event Booking details

This public event is free and open to all. This event will be a hybrid event, with an in-person audience and an online audience. 

For the in-person event: No ticket or pre-registration is required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis. For any queries see LSE Events FAQ: 

For the online event: Register for this event on LSE Live at The psychosis of whiteness:

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