What could equality look like if it was led by the people who are disadvantaged by society? This interactive event explores how disabled people can have more meaningful says in the way their lives are organised and affected beyond reasonable adjustments. During a panel discussion, our speakers will share their experiences and commentaries on reasonable adjustments. Audiences are then invited to ask questions to panel members, followed by an open discussion between the panel and the audience.
Under the Equality Act (2010), reasonable adjustment is the primary means to challenge predominant disabling norms in society. Thirteen years on, this event asks: is the concept of reasonable adjustment delivering the promised equality for disabled communities? Whose responsibility is it to ensure equality through provision, policy, and practice in organisations? Do disabled people have an effective say in their own futures under the existing legal framework relying on reasonable adjustment? Join a panel of researchers and practitioners to explore a host of radical ideas, controversial proposals and lived experiences on the twin themes of reasonable adjustment and disability equality. We’ll dig under the skin of reasonable adjustment, seeking to understand its normative and ableist roots, and together think about how we can shift the responsibility of accessibility and equality to employers, service providers, and society.
Panel Chair:
Dr Guoxin Ma (Research Associate, University of Southampton)
Panel Member:
Prof. Kate Sang (Professor of Gender and Employment Studies, Heriot-Watt University)
Dr. James Richards (Associate Professor in Human Resource Management, Heriot-Watt University)
Dr Tin Doan (Assistant Professor in Leadership & Human Resource Management, Northumbria University)
Mr. Roger Broadbent (Director, Dyslexia Institute, UK; Director, Empowerment Passport)
Okorite Amachree (Senior Policy Advisor, Greater London Authority)
Everyone is welcomed
Of particular interest to disabled people, those who work with or care for disabled people, and those who would like to become allies for disabled communities.
If you are joining online please use this zoom link:
Meeting ID: 835 8911 0857
Passcode: 519503