'Barbara' is a pop-up performance that explores peoples' relationships with dementia conditions and discusses peoples' experiences of supporting/caring for people living with dementia related conditions. After several performances of a larger stage show earlier this year, the characters will be inviting people to chat to one another about how they show care in a relaxed informal setting. The work will generate positive conversations about care and dementia related conditions; using performance, music and crumpets.
Drawing heavily on personal experience, theatre maker Mark Croasdale had developed this work with volunteer Dementia Associates from the Univerity of Salford's Dementia Hub. The subject is around memory loss, dementia, ageing and care as a whole. The company will use performance to open up conversations and break down the barriers to discussing care and caring roles.
Mark Crossdale (theatre lead) and Mali Pocsai with support from Dr Andrew Clark
We are keen to see a multigenerational, multi faith audience.
Anyone who is currently touched by dementia in their life through a friend or loved one. Anyone who is supporting a person in a caring role
No booking required just drop in on the day
Performance times: 11-12:30pm and 3-4:30pm