The event will feature a keynote speech and a number of parallel panels/interactive workshops to address the different facets of complexity experienced by social workers in practice – the kaleidoscopic understanding of ‘harm’, contextual wellbeing beyond safeguarding, the wellbeing of social workers, research-practice synergy for complexity and mapping complexity in adult services.
The symposium will be joined by social workers, care professionals and researchers from European and Asian countries, offering an excellent chance for knowledge exchange and networking.
This 3rd International Symposium on Social Work Practitioner Research will explore how social workers deal with complexity in their practice, to promote the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities.
Dr Sui Ting Kong, Department of Sociology at Durham University and Dr Jane Shears, British Association of Social Workers (BASW)
Social workers, care professionals and researchers from European and Asian countries.
Centre for Social Justice & Community Action - Durham University