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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Sustainable Consumption: Behavioural Economics Can Help You!

Image shows logo of the BEET group

Lifelong wellbeing theme

What’s on offer?

An evening event with expert speakers from the Behavioural Environmental Economics team, followed by an opportunity to ask questions from the panel.

What’s it about?

Behavioural Economics and its theories have been successfully used in many fields to improve our behaviours and decision making. In this event, researchers from the Behavioural Environmental Economics Team will show how these theories can effectively improve our sustainability as consumers, going through applied and practical examples.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Lorenzo Lotti, Associate Professor (Teaching) in Economics of Energy and the Environment; UCL Bartlett School of Environment, Energy & Resources and members from the Behavioural Environmental Economics Team

Open to

Anyone with an interest on sustainability

Of particular interest to

The event will be of particular interest to people who are keen to learn how Behavioural Economics can help with sustainable living.

Event booking deadline

Attendees can book right up till the time the event is scheduled to start, subject to availability