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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Supporting young people who have an illness

When you know, you meet, you are educating or you are employing a young person living with or after cancer or another illness, what simple things can you do to support them?

Image of two children on a hospital ward

Lifelong wellbeing theme

What’s on offer?

We wish to share our recent research into not only cancer but other illnessses as well, through this hybrid event.  The hybrid event will have an upbeat atmosphere with a 'can-do' attitude celebrating good things.

We have collected data about many young people living with and after cancer, over 10 years, in the form of questionnaires and interviews.  We are comparing that to the social experiences of young people with other illnesses or with no illness at all.  We will be showcasing our findings, share thoughts and ideas with attendees about a few simple things anyone or any organisation can do to help, in different contexts.

What’s it about?

Adolescents and Young Adults aged 15-39 get cancer, sadly. Thankfully most survivenowadays. But the consquences for their future lives are often huge.  Many young people then find returning to ‘normal’, such as mixing normally again with people who haven’t had their cancer experience, is difficult. This might be in their social lives but also in employment, education or even their family.

There are relatively simple things the general public, employers, educators and our community organisations can do, to better support young people who are living with or after cancer.

Who’s leading the event?

Dan Stark (Medicine, Leeds), with the STARS (Social Transitions And Reintegration Support) team and our collaborators:

Oana Linder (Clinical Psychology, Leeds)

Diane Hubber (Senior Nurse Specialist, LTHT)

Alice O’Grady (Performance, Leeds)

Adam Martin (Leeds Institute of Health Sciences)

Joanne McCulloch (Social Sciences, Leeds)

Teenage Cancer Trust Charity

Open to

Anyone is welcome

Of particular interest to

People might wish to attend because they are already interested in the topic which has relevance to an aspect of their life, to developing or improve a particular process, or for a positive experience to share with a friend.

People might gain greater confidence in dealing with this situation when it arises, as it does for us all and be able to give back constructively to their community.

Event booking deadline

2nd November 2023 at 2 pm.