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21 October - 17 November
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SENSE(LESS) Live - How Do We Cultivate Compassion?

Live podcast recording

Dr Lucy Maddox

What’s on offer?

A live podcast recording 

What’s it about?

Join SENSE(LESS) podcast hosts Mike Richardson and Naomi Heffer as they discuss compassion with Lucy Maddox from the University of Bath’s Department of Psychology.

Consultant clinical psychologist and researcher, Lucy specialises in working with children, young people and their families and is interested in compassion, the recognition of another’s suffering and the desire to help them.

In conversation with Mike and Naomi, Lucy will delve into this topic and her work researching and developing an intervention for staff who work in child and adolescent mental health wards, to prevent and reduce compassion fatigue.

This event is free, booking is essential.

Who’s leading the event?

Lucy Maddox, Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Psychology at the University of Bath