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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Revelations: What’s in a food label?

Older man looking very closely at a food label

Lifelong wellbeing theme

What’s on offer?

An interactive exhibition that will help you better understand the labels on the food that you buy.

This touring exhibition will visit four venues around Hertfordshire throughout the Festival of Social Science.

The exhibition will be open from 11am to 3pm in the following locations:

Wednesday 25th October – The Forum, College Lane Campus, University of Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB

Thursday 2nd November – Jubilee Centre, Catherine Street, St Albans, AL3 5BU

Thursday 9th November – Jimmy Macs, The Hive, 3 McDonald Court, High View, Hatfield, AL10 8HR

Wednesday 15th November – ASDA, 98 Town Centre, Hatfield, AL10 0JP

What’s it about?

Food labels provide important information about what we eat, but many people struggle to make sense of them – and end up ignoring them. However mundane they may appear, food labels actually contain vital information – required by law – for maintaining our health, especially for older people and those living with health conditions such as diabetes.   

This interactive event will help people to better understand some of the mysterious information that lurks on our food packaging. The touring exhibition will be taken to community centres and to a local supermarket, as well as being displayed outside the Dietetics department on the University of Hertfordshire’s College Lane campus.

The exhibition combines ESRC- and EPSRC-funded research projects and builds on the previous ’25 Lives Seen Through Food’, which includes full-size images of older people’s kitchen cupboards, fridges and freezers. There will also be opportunities for attendees to play our board game ‘Food in Later Life’, developed by Herts researchers.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Angela Dickinson and Dr Jane McClinchy from the University of Hertfordshire

Open to

All welcome

Of particular interest to

This event will be of interest to anyone who has struggled to make sense of the labels on food, and of particular interest to those who need to make dietary adjustments for their health.

Event Booking details

No booking required

Scheduling information

The exhibition will be open from 11am to 3pm in the following locations:

Wednesday 25th October – The Forum, College Lane Campus, University of Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB

Thursday 2nd November – Jubilee Centre, Catherine Street, St Albans, AL3 5BU

Thursday 9th November – Jimmy Macs, The Hive, 3 McDonald Court, High View, Hatfield, AL10 8HR

Wednesday 15th November – ASDA, 98 Town Centre, Hatfield, AL10 0JP

Event booking deadline

No booking required