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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Responses to harm

Pedestrian crossing a road looking down at them. They are in a time lapse so many are moving and blurred

What’s on offer?

Come and join us to think about what justice looks like in the context or harm. You will be invited to respond to a scenario by selecting cards, based on criminal justice and alternative justice approaches, or writing your own. You will have the opportunity afterwards to discuss the activity with one of the researchers/activists present

What’s it about?

This connects to social science research conducted at the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research on what justice is and alternatives to justice. It also ties into the Interdisciplinary Research Theme of Justice and Fair Decision Making.

Who’s leading the event?

Marguerite Schinkel

Open to

Anyone is welcome

Scheduling information

The event will run 11-12:45pm and 1:30-3pm