Join us to enjoy a display of posters summarising work completed in five schools, between 15:30 – 16:00, and having informal discussion with teachers that led the process. Between 16:00 – 17:00, you will discover through short presentations, videos, and a Q&A, how inclusion can be promoted in schools through engagement with pupils’ voices.
The event will present the findings of a project, led by Professor Kiki Messiou, building on the findings of her international research.
The schools were involved in collaborative action research and focused on the following broad question: “How can we promote inclusion in schools through an engagement with pupils’ voices?”
Each school identified an area of focus that related to inclusion and agreed a plan of how
they would explore this, using the pupil voice lens and participatory research approaches. In this way, solutions to the identified areas were addressed through active participation of children and teachers.
Benefits of attending: Find out how you can involve children and young people in schools, in order to address issues that may be of concern, as well as explore how existing learning and teaching practices can be developed through child-teacher collaborations.
What to expect: Explore different examples from each of the schools about how they approached the work within their own context. For example, one school focused on identifying barriers for boys' writing, another one focused on raising children's aspirations, whilst another focused on raising children's confidence. Pupil voice activities and dialogues between teachers and students were crucial for promoting inclusion and addressing each of the identified areas in each school.
Partner schools include:
Kiki Messiou, Professor of Education, University of Southampton.
Open to members of Senior Leaderships Teams and teachers (early years, primary, secondary, special schools), FE lecturers, academics, parents, Local Authority, other organisations that work with children and young people