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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Plant-Based Diets for Lifelong Health and Sustainability

Group of 7 people around a table enjoying a plant based meal

Lifelong wellbeing theme

What’s on offer?

This fun, educational and interactive event explores why and how we can shift to a more plant-based diet to improve our health and the environment. Featuring several short research talks and interactive stalls, we will share the latest findings and advice for supporting plant-based diets. Come along and get involved in our research, test your knowledge about the health and environmental impact of food, and try to tell real meat apart from plant-based meat in our blind taste test (with prizes!) At 4:30 head to the Forum Kitchen to sample delicious plant-based foods prepared by our head chefs. Anyone can drop in to our stalls, but we recommend registering for the talks (max 60 spaces) and forum kitchen tasting on the attached link.

Programme of talks (Forum Exp Lab 2):

1.45-2: Why we need to eat less meat and more plants and how to do it. Natalia Lawrence (Assoc Prof., Psychology)

2-2.15: How temporary abstinence campaigns (meat-free Mondays, Veganuary) can support healthier and more sustainable diets. Sophie Hearn (PhD student, Psychology)

2.15-2.30: How children and adults differ in thinking about eating animals. Luke Mcguire (Lecturer, Psychology)

2.30-2.45: School Food and the Landscape Plate. Fatma Sabet (Postdoctoral researcher, Business School)

2.45-3: Why do we need plants to feed our gut microbiome? Luciana Torquati (Senior Lecturer in Nutrition, Sports and Health Sciences)

3-3.15: Vegan protein can build muscle too! Ino Van Der Heijden (PhD student, Nutritional Physiology, Sports and Health Sciences)

3.15-3.30: Discussion

What’s it about?

Plant-based diets can prevent around 24% of premature deaths and have around 75% less environmental impact than meat-heavy diets. This event explores why and how we can shift to a more plant-based diet to improve our health and the environment.

Who’s leading the event?

Natalia Lawrence Co-Director of Research and Associate Professor in Translational Medicine, and Sophie Hearn Postgraduate Research Student at the University of Exeter

Open to

All are welcome!