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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Personal identities and the transition from school to university

Exploring the role of pronouns and other markers to create inclusive learning spaces

The picture shows a grouping of wooden dolls in a variety of colours.

Lifelong wellbeing theme

What’s on offer?

The total runtime of the session is 90 minutes. 

1.      Introduction to the session and ground rules (5 mins) 

2.      GLEA presentation on current pronouns research; what it is we looked at, why, and what we found (15 mins) 

3.      Questions and answers (10 mins) 

4.      Story circles (35 mins). 

5.      A ‘quick drawing’ session where participants can draw or write their reactions to the session on a piece of A3 paper (5 – 10 mins) 

6.      Conclusion (5 mins)  

What’s it about?

Colleagues from GLEA are conducting ongoing research into pronoun usage and gender markers in Higher Education. We invite A-level and equivalent home-schooled students to hear about research of the importance of identities when going to university.   

Hearing your stories is important to how your educational experiences have been shaped and expectations you have of university staff as you embark on educational journeys.  

In this session, our research will be shared prior to splitting into ‘story circles’ where participants can share ideas and experiences. We encourage you to bring an object which represents your identity as a discussion piece (ex: a trinket, photo, clothing).  

Who’s leading the event?

Alun DeWinter and Kayden Schumacher, Centre for Global Learning, Coventry University.

Open to

Young people aged 16 to 18. All young people (aged under 18) must be accompanied by an adult.

Of particular interest to

All interested participants but may be of particular interest to those studying social sciences or gender studies, or individuals who are interested in expression of personal identities, or who may use alternative on non-binary pronouns themselves.  

Event Booking details

Please email the Coventry ESRC IAA Project Team to register for this event.