Refreshments, Chair Yoga, Raffle Prizes, free Blood Pressure Check, plus learn about Durham University research and social programmes provided by Durham County Council and Age UK.
This event seeks people who are 65 and over, to come and share their experiences of retirement, banking and ageing, whilst also learning about what's happening about ageing issues.
This project explores how you spend your time, your daily tasks, and your interactions at home and outside. Understanding how recent retirees plan and spend their time helps us improve older adults' experiences after retirement. For this project, you will:
Fill out a short questionnaire
Keep a diary for one week and be compensated £20
Dr Thuy-vy Nguyen from Durham's Department of Psychology at Durham University
People aged 65+
Older people, 65+ and over, who are retired.
This is a series of four events in October and November, with the next one being held on Monday 20th November, 10:00am to 13:00pm.