Come and join us for this free interactive workshop aimed at multi generations to demonstrate healthy alternatives to Indian cooking during a religious period that is typically associated with Diwali celebrations.
Booking is essential and will close 48 hours prior to event
Food is a key element of celebrating Diwali and is often central to family interactions and celebrations. Food is traditionally produced using recipes handed down over generations with people often unaware of alternative more healthy options of producing the same food in a different more healthy way. It is widely known that people from Minority Ethnic populations have worse cardiovascular outcomes and these can be associated with lifestyle factors. This session will raise awareness of these inequalities, provide opportunities for communities to participate in health research and interventions whilst participating in a community based session for all the family.
The event is led by the University of Leicester Centre for Ethnic Health
Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to attend
The event will be of particular interest to anyone interested in making small dietary changes, with a particular focus on Diwali celebrations