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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Improving University Recognition of and Responses towards Minoritised Students Victimised by Sexual Violence

Cartoon banner headline with different ethnic characters, Festival and Event titles.

Lifelong wellbeing theme

What’s on offer?

This afternoon event will be based on higher education students with minoritised identities responding to the findings from the qualitative study of sexual violence victimisation and help-seeking of minoritised students. The day will be participative and workshop-based to allow student participants to discuss and give feedback on the findings.

An art-based part of the day will be included where participants will be invited to design poster/arts-based messages that highlight the intentions behind the research’s key findings. 

What’s it about?

Durham has been working with colleagues at Manchester Met and the University of Birmingham to conduct a qualitative study of minoritised students’ perceptions of sexual violence victimisation and help-seeking in universities. In this event, the project team aim to bring students together to hear the key findings and outline a strategy for change.

Who’s leading the event?

Prof Catherine Donovan and Dr Kate Butterby, Department of Sociology in Durham's Faculty of Social Sciences and Health.

Open to


Of particular interest to

Students; Senior University Staff; Sexual Violence Agencies and Staff

Event Booking details

Contact Kate Butterby: