Join us and discover the different ways in which people ‘think and do’ food, in relation to attitudes to eating, plant-based foods, and food waste. Explore different domains of social science research through three interactive stations, featuring a chance to talk, share, and create. The activities are aimed at parents and kids, with a chance for kids to make their own food picture.
Social science research tells us that food is rarely only about nutrition or sustenance (in fact, food often isn’t about nutrition and sustenance at all!). Food is a social practice, intertwined with habits and norms, preferences and taboos, individual and group identities. However, some aspects of established food practices can be deeply problematic, creating challenges for maintaining healthy eating behaviours, following balanced diets, and reducing food waste. How can social science help us to better understand how people ‘think and do’ food, and in turn, help us to build healthier, more sustainable, and more enjoyable food practices?
Professor Jennifer Smith Maguire, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University
All welcome; the activities have been designed with parents and children in mind, and are suitable for all ages.