Taking place at the University of Exeter’s St Luke’s Campus between 2pm-3:30pm, this event will allow visitors to explore the archive of Dr Clive Lee, one of the pioneering inventors of the Exeter Hip.
We will be joined by an expert in the field of orthopaedics to learn more about the joint and its impact, before visitors are invited to share their own stories about the Exeter Hip. Participants will then be able to explore the archive, with 3D replicas of prototypes allowing them to get “hands on”!
The Exeter Hip was designed in 1969 by collaborative partners Professor Robin Ling, an NHS surgeon, and Dr Clive Lee, an engineer at the University of Exeter, and has remained one of the world’s most successful implants.
Celebrating 75 years of the National Health Service, this event aims to highlight how collaboration between the University of Exeter and the NHS has improved the health and wellbeing of everyday people both locally and internationally.
Has the Exeter Hip given you a new lease of life?
Staff from the University of Exeter Special Collections, with a speaker from the Exeter Hip Unit at Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.
This event is open to all adults with an interest in the Exeter Hip, in particular those with personal experiences.
Email libspc@exeter.ac.uk