This event around the pivotal topic of student wellbeing within the educational setting of Wales, addresses current challenges faced by schools, exploring the profound impact of student mental health on academic progress and offers actionable solutions.
Through a range of discussions, from showcasing evidence based digital tools to examining innovative new resources, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the evolving Welsh educational framework and the ways to support the health and wellbeing area of learning and experience.
0900-1000: Registration and networking
1000-1020: Welcome and introductions
1025-1230: Dialogue in tackling wellbeing hurdles in education.
Experts from Cardiff University dissect student mental health issues, their ripple effect on academic progress, and outline innovative, strategic approaches to tackle issues in schools.
Dive into a showcase of the latest cCBT (computerizes cognitive behavioural therapy) and literacy resources to discover their potential in enhancing student wellbeing.
1230-1315: Break for lunch (lunch is not provided)
1315-1415: Open forum, sharing best practice, discussion around the future of learning spaces and Q&A
1415-1530: Conclusion - Summing up the day’s insights and mapping out collaborative paths forward.
Benefits of attending include:
Insights from leading Cardiff University experts and researchers
Discover hands-on approaches suitable for schools, ensuring better student wellbeing.
Opportunity to engage with educational and wellbeing professionals.
Join us for this vibrant dialogue, uniting our efforts for a more promising horizon in educational wellbeing. Whether you're seeking to implement new strategies or better understand the current wellbeing landscape in education, this event promises to be both enlightening and empowering.
John Likeman, Director of Raven Technologies
Simon F. Johns, Research psychologist with Cardiff University
Jon Rennie, Director of Cloth Cat Animation and Animator of 'Tom the Lion'
Jayne Davies, Strategic Advisor for Welsh in Education
Educational Leaders and Administrators: Those at the helm of schools and educational institutions can discover strategies to foster a more conducive learning environment centered on student wellbeing.
School wellbeing coordinators
Educators passionate about student mental health.
Representatives from charities and organizations focusing on student wellbeing.
Educational Policymakers in Wales seeking to shape the future of education in Wales can gain a deeper understanding of the wellbeing challenges faced by schools and the potential solutions to address them