The session will be highly interactive and divided into two activities. For the first activity I will read out a few myth statements (that speak to the themes of migration and wellbeing) and ask them if they agree or disagree, and to elaborate as to why. The objective here is to break the ice, get participants to think about practices and belief systems that they may share with others, and open the floor for those conversations (15min).
For the second activity, participants will be divided into groups, each group given a worksheet that presents scenarios that may relate to their lives here in the UK, particulary around the themes of the festival. We would then come together to discuss the answers (30-40min).
The aim of the session is to bring to light the ways in which culture and welbeing are two aspects of one’s life that are closely intertwined. Specifically, how one’s cultural heritage can be both a source of strength and community, but also a source of constraints and stigma.
Dr Mikal Woldu is a UKRI Future Leaders Postdoctoral Research fellow within the Department of Politics and International Relations at SOAS. She received her doctorate in Social Anthropology from SOAS in 2020. She specialises in African migration and diaspora studies, with particular focus on the experiences of African migrant communities in Europe. Her current research examines the concept of Pan-Africanism through the lens and experiences of second-generation Africans in the UK. The project seeks to highlight the extent to which political dynamics at local, national and supranational levels contribute to specific formulations of identities that are situationally driven, and continuously shifting between specific ethnic and cultural references, and a broader Black and pan-African socio-cultural landscape.
Mikal’s doctoral research examined the ways in which experiences of settlement and organising among Eritrean migrant communities in London and Milan, were shaped by changing political dynamics at national, transnational and supranational level over time. Through a cross-national and an intergenerational approach, her research investigated the case study of the Eritrean diaspora in Italy and the UK, to highlight the complexities and heterogeneity of experiences among migrants from the same country of origin within and across two countries over time
The Event is aimed at young people of ages 13 - 18, studying English as their additional language
Schools and educational settings for young people with English as an additional language
The event will be held across two days: 3/11/2023 from 10:00-12:30 and on 6/11/2023 12:30-15:00