Meet and exchange ideas with the University of Surrey researchers. Take part in live polls and see the results change in real time. Engage in fun demos with your family and friends. Explore current research and share lived experiences of dyspraxia during interactive talks. You can also sign up to our research database if you want to take part in our research, find out about our latest projects or attend our next online event in February 2024.
Dyspraxia or Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) affects motor skills over the lifespan. Dyspraxia affects approximatively 5% of the population, yet it is commonly misunderstood and under recognised in educational, medical and work settings.
We are very passionate about engaging with the dyspraxic population we are researching to increase our understanding and improve awareness. Last year, we launched our Dyspraxia Awareness Event at the University of Surrey, in partnership with the Dyspraxia Foundation. We want to build on the success of last year's event to further increase awareness of dyspraxia, to develop a sense of community for dyspraxic individuals and to initiate discussion about the research we are doing at Surrey. Having received positive feedback on the usefulness of this day, we’re making it an annual event. This year, we will discuss wellbeing, education and lived experiences; themes that were raised as crucial by last year’s attendees, yet often neglected in this population.
We have support from the Dyspraxia Foundation who will attend the event to offer support to adults, parents and children with dyspraxia.
Dr Judith Gentle, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Surrey
Dr Marie Martel, Lecturer in Developmental Psychology at the University of Surrey
Everyone with or without dyspraxia
Individuals with dyspraxia, parents of children with dyspraxia, teachers, occupational therapists, human resource managers working with individuals with dyspraxia.