Get outdoors and join in a discussion to find out more about green spaces in Brunswick.
We’ll start with an optional wellbeing walking tour around Brunswick, following some of the green routes and taking in some of the green spaces (approx. 45 minutes).
There will be a small poster exhibition displaying some of the project work to be discussed in the workshop, including photos of the green spaces, waymarkers and maps. Refreshments will be available.
The main event will be a workshop (90 minutes) including short presentations by representatives from local community groups and University of Manchester researchers. Speakers will talk briefly about their interest in Brunswick, including the importance of air quality, road safety and green space and the intended consequences of their work.
Members of the local community are invited to join us, to find out more about the work that has been done in the area. You will be asked to discuss the meaning of wellbeing within the local community and you will be invited to feedback on the value of the work and the difference it could make to the lives of people living in Brunswick. We’re keen to hear ideas on what more can be done to build on this work.
Brunswick is bordered by four busy, polluted roads which have serious health implications for pedestrians and cyclists and for residents living close to these roads. However, within Brunswick there is clean air and plenty of green space to be enjoyed by residents in the area.
Local community groups in Brunswick have been working on various projects to improve and extend the green areas, planting hedges, trees and installing wooden planters. They have also been working in partnership with University of Manchester to map out green routes around Brunswick, that take in some of the green project locations and avoid the polluted roads. Signposts are being installed around the area with QR codes providing information about local history, wildlife and air quality.
It is hoped that this work can be extended to better serve the local community, to improve mental health and wellbeing, physical fitness and to encourage community engagement. This might be through the provision of events or activities (such as wellbeing sessions or bicycle maintenance classes) or through improved infrastructure (such as lights, pathways and pedestrian crossings).
Come along and find out more. Join the discussion and bring your ideas on how to develop this work for you and your community.
Dr Joanna Barrow
The event will be of particular interest to local residents of Brunswick and those from neighbouring areas who may similarly be interested in improving their local environment.
You can also book by emailing
Otherwise, you are welcome to turn up on the day.
4.00-4.45pm: Wellbeing walking tour (optional) following some of the green routes and taking in some of the green spaces in Brunswick (approx. 45 minutes)
5.00-5.30pm: Exhibition of posters displaying some of the project work to be discussed in the workshop (refreshments will be provided)
5.30-7.00pm: Workshop