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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Criminology Film Season - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (15)

Film Reel

What’s on offer?

A series of film screenings will be co-hosted by the University of Leicester’s Centre for Hate Studies and Phoenix Cinema. Each film in this series of events is introduced by an academic who is working within the Centre for Hate Studies new research hubs. These talks will include how film represents crime and justice, what this means for the subject, and discuss current research in the area. After the film there will be a Q&A with the opportunity to understand more about crime on screen and how this impacts upon our world.

Event programme:

Thursday 26 October 19:00-21:45 American History X (15):  Theme: Extremism introduced by Dr Chris Allen

Thursday 2 November 19:00-21:45 Dirty God (15):  Theme: Violence Reduction introduced by Dr Matt Hopkins

Monday 6th November 19:00-21:45 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (15) Theme: Policing introduced by Dr Claire Davis

Programme is subject to change dependent on licensing and staff availability

What’s it about?

Bringing you a mix of classic and contemporary films, this series of events aims to encourage members of the community to think about crime and justice and how we use this as a source of entertainment. Society seems to be becoming more fractured, and there is an increased emphasis on hate. The Centre for Hate studies aims to understand these issues and identify ways in which we can reduce hate and provide support to those who have been victimised. This series of film screenings will highlight the work of the Centre for Hate Studies, with each event focusing on one of the research hubs within the Centre; policing, violence-reduction, and extremism. These events will educate and invite the community to engage in discussions about how to approach these issues.

Who’s leading the event?

Each event is led by Dr Jessica Urwin, Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Leicester and the films will be introduced by: Dr Chris Allen, Extremism Hub Lead; Dr Matt Hopkins, Violence Reduction Hub Lead; Dr Claire Davis, Policing Hub Lead

Open to

All over the age of 15 are welcome to attend. Please be aware that the films shown have age classifications meaning that under 15’s may not be able to attend. 

Of particular interest to

These events will be of particular interest to those wanting to know more about crime and justice within society, and the work of the Centre for Hate Studies.

Scheduling information

The Criminology Film Season is linked to our Centre for Hate Studies flagship event 'Revisiting the Harms of Hate: Film premiere and live podcast' being held on Wednesday 8th November at the Phoenix Arts Centre.