This event will provide an opportunity to reach out to new members of our community and connect them with our university and one another.
At the heart of our Salford community we will gather to recognise and celebrate the contribution to lifelong wellbeing that is experienced in the giving and receiving of volunteer services. We will highlight research that illuminates those hidden from or defined by public perception and support the nurturing of new relationships and community belongingness. Research to share and inspire will include: the green curriculum, fuel poverty, food banks, learning disability, HIV, communicating with children about abuse, obesity, domestic violence, wellbeing research, homelessness, refugee and migrants and dementia studies. We will inspire public involvement with research showcasing recent projects that bring human experience and wellbeing to life. The City of Salford is one of the most economically deprived areas of the country and its population has increased significantly by 15.4% in the last decade.
DR Donna Peach
All welcome
We will have a variety of research that will reach across our community population.