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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Changing the Picture and Music for Hope - Community Event

Communities against Violence in El Salvador

Mural, now faded, depicts a diverse community overcoming the forces of repression during the civil war in El Salvador

What’s on offer?

With the iconic view of the ‘Changing the Picture’ mural overlooking St Alfege primary school in Greenwich, this event will seek to explore the meaning of the mural. This will include the presentation of short videos telling the history of El Salvador and show Music for Hope students performing, with themes focused on migration and the environment. This will be acompanied by stories told by the Music for Hope facilitators and sharing of drawings by the local primary school children describing their everyday lives at home and in school to exchange with similar drawings with the young participants of Music for Hope in El Salvador. Following this the Mural which 

What’s it about?

event centres around the ‘Changing the Picture’ mural overlooking St Alfege primary school in Greenwich, painted in 1985. The mural, now faded, depicts a diverse community overcoming the forces of repression during the civil war in El Salvador, and is just one representation of British cultural expressions of solidarity with the people of El Salvador. The aim is to introduce the history behind the mural, emphasising its cultural significance for the Greenwich community and drawing out the stories that are depicted there, whilst also highlighting the connections to ongoing solidarity projects with El Salvador through discussing the work of Music for Hope – a UK charity that teaches music to young people in El Salvador to provide a safe space to grow in friendship in a context of ongoing social violence.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Andrew Redden: Senior Lecturer in Latin American History

Open to

The local community: those who live in the council estate on which the mural is painted, as well as local workers, business owners, international students at the University of Greenwich International College and members of the Latin American community in London.

Of particular interest to

The local community and the Latin American Community

Scheduling information

Starts at 6:15pm