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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

Under One Roof: Bereavement, Relationships, and Home

Under One Roof illustrated logo of buildings on a blue background

Lifelong wellbeing theme

What’s on offer?

Tune in to this thought-provoking episode of "Under One Roof" as we explore the profound connections between bereavement, relationships, and the place we call home.

What’s it about?

Join us for a captivating episode of "Under One Roof" as we delve deep into the multifaceted theme of "Bereavement, Relationships, and Home." In this thought-provoking podcast episode, we explore the emotional intricacies of how our homes influence our experiences during life's most challenging moments.

Join Dr Tom Simcock and Dr Julie Ellis as they navigate the complex terrain of bereavement, continuing bonds and re-partnering within the context of our homes. Together, they will be shedding light on the unique role our homes and the objects they contain play during times of loss, remembrance and negotiating new relationships.

By attending this episode, you'll gain fresh insights into how our living spaces can shape our emotional and relational landscapes and provide both solace and a site for remembrance, as well as create dilemmas and challenges for those living with loss.

Don’t miss this opportunity to discover more about the enduring significance of home, material objects and relationships at a time of great emotional challenge.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Julie Ellis - University of Huddersfield

Dr Tom Simcock - University of Huddersfield

Of particular interest to

Housing professionals

Housing, psychology and sociology students

Anyone with an interest in the subject area

Scheduling information

The episode will be available on major streaming providers including:


Amazon Music:

Apple Podcasts:

Google Podcasts: