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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

A Celebration of Girls in the Care System

A Sister System Graduation, supported by Royal Holloway, University of London

Group photo of 40+ people

What’s on offer?

This event celebrates the achievements of girls and young women in the care-system over the past year.

The event will be in the form of a graduation ceremony with prize-giving and speakers exploring the potential of human rights globally, nationally and locally to promote equality and justice for girls, with a focus on those in the care system.

What’s it about?

Partnering with the Sister System, a North London-based charity providing educational empowerment programmes to girls and young women in the care system (ages 13-24yrs old), the event celebrates the achievements of those girls and young women to work towards nationally accredited qualifications they have achieved through the Sister System.

Speakers include Professor Jill Marshall (Royal Holloway, University of London).  

The event provides an opportunity for this diverse community of girls and young women who are in or affected by the care-system (ages 13-24 years old, 95% Black and/or minority ethnic), as well as their friends/family (approx 80 participants), to engage with Jill's research about the human rights of girls/young women. It provokes connections through the human rights of girls internationally, and their own experiences/wellbeing living in UK society.

Who’s leading the event?

The three event leaders are:

  • Professor Jill Marshall, Professor of Law, Dept of Law and Criminology, Royal Holloway, University of London
  • Amy Goodman - Business Development Manager, Sister System
  • Reham Own - Operations Lead, Sister System

Open to

This is a closed, invite-only event.

Of particular interest to

Those affected by the care system.