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21 October - 17 November
FoSS and ESRC logos

“A Bit OCD” – How we talk about youth mental health and neurodivergence

Girl looking at her phone

Lifelong wellbeing theme

What’s on offer?

This event will be a series of panel discussions from academics at the University of Birmingham, the University of Warwick, students and mental health activists. 

This event will explore how the media represents young people and those with mental health conditions, and the impact this has on the public perception of how these conditions manifest in real life. The media can often villainise these people and can change how society view serious and lifechanging issues.

Phrases like ‘a bit OCD’ are prevalent in our society, does this come from a place of ignorance or just a reflection of how we’ve heard issues referred to in the media. Are mental health conditions over-simplified in the media and are they glamourised to some extent, particularly on social media.

Running order

Arrival and tea/coffee (9.30-10am)

Panel session one (10-10:45am):

Dr Gemma McKenna – Child and adolescent mental health

Dr Martine Van Driel - How autistic adults use social media platforms

Shaun Flores - A man with a mission to change representation in OCD

Professor Helen Wheatley – Director of Film & Television Studies at the University of Warwick

Break (10:45-11am)

Panel session two (11-11:30am):

Dr Sophie King Hill – The importance of a youth voice (relationships, mental health, misogyny, social media). Sophie will be joined by a panel of students to share their thoughts.

Panel session three (11:30am-12pm):

Plenary session & Q&A.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Sophie King Hill

Open to

Everyone is invited to attend, please be aware certain topics discussed may be sensitive for some audiences.